Welcome to my Portfolio website!

My name is Moustapha BA and i'm a Master 2 student at INSA Hauts-de-France. I'm passionate about the world of technology and computing, and this website is a reflection of my background and achievements.


Here you'll find a compilation of my projects, skills and experience in the field of IT. I've gained a lot of experience in areas such as system and network administration, data analysis, web design and many others.

This site is designed to give you an insight into my skills and creativity. You can explore my past projects, discover my most memorable achievements and learn more about my technical skills. I've also included a section dedicated to my academic background and professional experience.

I believe in the importance of continuous learning and constantly improving my skills. If you are interested in working with me or would like to find out more about my work, please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact details provided.

Thank you for visiting my Portfolio website. I hope you enjoy discovering my projects and that you find something to interest you.

Sincerely yours.

[Moustapha BA]



Master level 1 and 2: Computer Science, New technologies for decision-making information systems specialty

September 2023 - August 2025

INSA Hauts-De-France , Valenciennes (France)

Year 3 Engineering cycle - IT speciality

September 2022 – july 2023

CESI School of Engineering , Reims (France)

Master 2 - Networks and Telecommunications (subject to examination)

October 2018 - july 2019

Mathematics and Computer Science - UCAD , Dakar (Senegal)

Bachelor degree - Computer Science, Networks with distinction

October 2015 - August 2016

Dakar Polytechnic School , UCAD (Sénégal)

Professional Experience

Data analyst intern

February - April, June 2023

Potions ex-Adequa (France)

  • Create Looker visualisation interfaces for monitoring the execution of a Dataform workflow on BigQuery
  • Model data using Dataform, BigQuery, and Looker tools to finally retrieves insights into assertion tables and also summarising any errors

Cellular radio technician

February 2019 - February 2021

Orange-SONATEL (Senegal)

  • Analyse technical problems of 3G and 4G sites with quality of service (QoS) alerts
  • Monitore and manage inconsistencies in the logical configuration of the radio access network
  • Report the QoS of the radio access network, including during exceptional events exceptionnels


CCNA Security

A CCNA Security course describing the security threats facing infrastructures. The importance of securing Cisco routers is highlighted, in particular by implementing AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) using a local database and an external server, the use of access control lists (ACL), the use of the Cisco IOS firewall, the Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance), the implementation of the Cisco IOS intrusion prevention system (IPS) and, finally, the implementation of VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Assistant radio engineer

During my time as a "cellular radio technician" at Sonatel Mobiles, I was responsible for carrying out radio measurements on the company's entire network, making sure that the traffic, quality and coverage targets for new sites were met. I was also responsible for dealing with traffic, quality and coverage problems, known as 'Points Noirs', as well as monitoring the targets for new sites.

Information System Administration

In the course of my career, I have acquired skills in information systems administration, particularly Active Directory on Windows Server 2019, automation with PowerShell and supervision with CentOS,and VPN Tunneling for security access,.... These skills were recently demonstrated in an end-of-block defence during my third year of engineering training at CESI.

Data analyst

Between February and July 2023, I work as an intern at Potions. During this period, I’m in training as a data analyst, using tools such as BigQuery, Dataform and Looker. This enabled me to develop my skills in business intelligence database modelling and data analysis, particularly using SQL language.



Aulnoy-Les-Valenciennes, 59300 (France)


+33 6 51 80 85 64